
What is the fitfi/USDT exchange rate?

Right now, the FITFI/USDT exchange rate is 0.0053846881734647. What has been the Step App to Tether trading volume in the last 24 hours?

What is the trading volume of step app (fitfi)?

The trading volume of Step App (FITFI) is $15,295,157 in the last 24 hours, representing a 3.40% increase from one day ago and signalling a recent rise in market activity. What is the all-time high for Step App (FITFI)? The highest price paid for Step App (FITFI) is $0.731881, which was recorded on May 05, 2022 (over 1 year).

Why does fitfi already retest more than three times of 0.11 zone?

Searching for more order Fitfi already retest more than three times of 0.11 zone.. For the same reason, Fitfi currently in the correction phase. Fitfi already retest more than three times of 0.11 zone.. For the same reason, Fitfi currently in the correction phase.

Is fitfi ready for a new run?

FitFi’s Bull Flag In my opinion, it looks like we’ve completed Wave C and are ready to begin a new run. FitFi has been consolidating in this nice bullish pattern since it's first leg up. It’s Momentum and RSI will help FitFi breakout of this bull flag. The height of the pole is calling for this target.


